Staff Meeting at Unit HQ to discuss actions for the New Year.
First Parade of the year.
16th. Visit
by other Cadet groups to T.S. Broadsword Unit HQ.
Cadets Competed in the regional Football Competition, afterwards they
went Swimming and to McDonalds, 12 Cadets and 3 Staff.
19th. Car
Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit & Roller
Hockey was organised for many Cadets, in the afternoon.
2nd. 2
Senior Cadets, C.O. and Ma’m attended a Charity Lunch at Army Barracks,
the cadets assisted, then dined with the officers.
8th. Jumble
Sale held by Staff and Committee assisted by Cadets at the Unit HQ.
9th. Car
Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit
20th. 6
Senior cadets plus 2 Unit Staff attended a Mayoral Reception at the Town
Hall, the cadets were invited to try on all the official robes for a
photo session.
Roller Hockey was organised for many Cadets.
27th. HRH Princess Anne Opened Milton Keynes Unit, and Broadsword provided the Brass Band and support with many Cadets and Staff from our Unit 71 in total; also in attendance were 27 cadets and staff from Great Yarmouth Unit.
National Cross Country competition many Cadets from Broadsword took
part, and won through to the Nationals.
Car Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit
21st. Royal
Naval Presentation at the Unit, all Sea Pirates, Juniors, Naval Cadets,
Marine Cadets and the Girls Section thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
23 - 30th.
12 Cadets and 2 Staff attended 7 Days Training at Sea, for their
RYA badges and certificates. Excellent pass rates were achieved.
Orienteering Competition, many Cadets took part; the Unit achieved 3rd
place despite the fact that many Cadets were away at Sea.
Car Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit.
13th. Snooker Competition, 8 Cadets and 1 Staff, we gained a Silver Certificate.
18 - 20th.
Night Exercise and activities over 2 Days. 16 Cadets and Staff
St Georges Day Parade at the Cenotaph in
Car Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit.
Cadets and Staff from Broadsword supported Great Yarmouth’s Grand
Opening of their New Unit.
St. James The Great School (Croydon) fete Band Gave Displays 30 Cadets
and Staff attended.
18th. Car
Boot Sale.
19th. Car Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit.
Roller Hockey organised for many Cadets.
23rd. 20 Police Cadet Corps visited to use our Wall and Ariel Runway involving our staff and cadets as instructors.
27 Cadets and 5 Staff took part in the regional Athletics
The Unit held an Open Day with Displays, Ariel Runway,
30th. Sea
Pirates held a Weekend Camp.
Kingsbury Open Day, the Unit was open and provided Stalls and
Entertainment plus Activities for the general public.
The Unit was chosen to provide a Band plus a marching contingent. We
also provided 2 standards and bearers to lead the parade of 8 London
Boroughs before HM the Queen and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh.
Car Boot Sale at
Unit Annual Inspection by the Mayor and the Deputy Lt.
Promotion Board for Leading Cadets and Cadet Petty Officers.
Many Cadets attended the Area Athletics.
Car Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit.
29th. Unit
Parade at Hendon Town Hall.
Cadets and staff attended local lakes for fishing and waterborne
5 - 7th.
Weekend Camp for Junior Cadets and staff, carrying out a range of
Broadsword supported Totteridge Fete with the Band, Abseiling and
Climbing Wall,
National Athletics also the Mayors visit to the Unit along with D.L,
plus Cllr's. Our whole ships company was inspected and gave displays.
The Marine Cadet Sgnt and 3 Cadets went to
Car Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit.
Cadets and staff attended the regional Tennis competition.
20 - 26th.
Also a Camp was held in
21 - 27th.
9 Day Camp at Felixstowe 8 Staff and 36 Cadets attended.
1st. Scuba
Diving - Staff and Cadets attended for Qualifications.
8th. Scuba
Diving - Staff and Cadets attended for Qualifications.
21st. 30
Cadets and Staff from Kent Stayed at Broadswords H.Q. for their 7 Day
Annual Camp.
6 - 7th.
"Festival of the Sea" Broadsword Cadets went to G't Yarmouth.
6 - 8th.
Night Exercise and Weekend Camp organised by by the Marine staff.
14 - 15th.
Combined over 2 Days. Jumble and Car Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff &
Committee of the Unit.
29th. The
Band and Cadets attended Edgware School to make a Tin Collection for the
Unit. Car Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff & Committee of the Unit.
30 - 1st.
28 Great Yarmouth Naval Cadets and Staff stayed at the Unit HQ.
5th. 1 Day
& 1 Evening Night Ex at Unit H.Q. and surrounding areas involving many
of our Cadets and Staff.
Regional AGM many of our Staff were awarded their long service Keystone
11 - 13th.
Sea Pirate / Junior Camp involving 20 Cadets and 6 Staff.
13th. Car
Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit.
19th. Car
Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit.
27th. 70
Cadets and Staff attended the regional 10 Mile
Sponsored Walk.
During October and November many Air Cadets attended the unit for Wreath Laying and joint Guard Training
Car Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit. Roller
Hockey was organised for many Cadets in the afternoon.
Final dress rehearsal for the Remembrance Day Parade, included all the
unit groups and the Air Cadets. the rehearsal finished with the usual
Grand Firework display and BBQ.
Remembrance Sunday, the Unit supplied and organised all of the
Borough’s order of service sheets, and the 560 strong parade, we also
provided 75 Cadets & Staff for the ceremonial and Corner Guard, Dias
Markers, Platoons, a Band and Ceremonial Buglers and Colour / Standards
After the Parade all Parents, Cadets, Air Cadets and dignitaries
return to the unit for refreshments, the unit then hosts the Mayor and
64 various guests to a professionally catered four course meal in the
Officers Mess (Unit's Wardroom). 15 - 17th.
Great Yarmouth Camp, our Unit attended their camp in Norfolk with many
of our staff and Cadets. 23th. Car
Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit. 24th. Car
Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit. 4 Girl Cadets and 2 Staff cleaned our large fibreglass Boat. 30th.
The unit held a Collection at Brent Cross and provided a Band. December 1st. The
Unit held a Tin Collection at Brent Cross, 30 Cadets and 8 Staff
provided 2 Bands and Collectors. 6th.
15 Staff from 6 - 8th.
Sea Scouts from Felixstowe (16 in total) spent the weekend at the unit
HQ. Staff and Cadets from Broadsword put the Scouts over the Units Wall,
Cave and Ariel runway. 8th. Car
Boot Sale involving Cadets, Staff and Committee of the Unit. 13th. Tin
Collection around Pubs 12 cadets collecting with 4 staff and 2
Coordinators. 19th. Sea
Pirates supported a local Primary School by attending their Roller
Disco. Last Parade Night Of Year. 20th. Final
Parade Night of the year, a great evening which was enjoyed by all. This
included a formal inspection, displays by the Cadets, and after evening
colours(sunset), the evening finished with a buffet and disco for the
dignitaries, staff, parents and Cadets. These are just a few of the many and varied activities carried out by
this very busy and active Cadet group.